Best places to visit in Jaipur, Rajasthan - The pink city

"Take only memories, leave only footprints"  -  Chief Seattle

Travel opens my mind and heart and makes me a better person. I'm going to be writing about Jaipur, Rajasthan which is again one of my favourite destinations. I can visit this place over and over again and still wouldn't get bored of it. There's so much to explore and learn from this city; something really beautiful about it. In the end it all lies in the travelers eyes.
I visited Jaipur last year in the month of January. The weather during this month is absolutely amazing.
Being an architecture student it really excites me to see such beautiful and intricate designs even on a small residential building. Like I said in my previous blog it's all about the culture and tradition of this state that makes it even more interesting.

I reached Jaipur late in the evening and directly headed to Kanchan Kesari village. It is an ethnic theme based amusement complex where there is something entertaining for all age groups. Rajasthani culture predominantly reflects in this village. Their Kalbelia dancers will thrill you while the Langha singers will stir your heart's chord with their songs. You can withness a mini Indian mela and re-live the village life. I had dinner at the village itself and I tried out the traditional Rajasthani thali in which you can taste almost all of their delicacies.

The next day morning I visited a few palaces. Hawa Mahal built in 1799 is the most recognizable monument of Jaipur. It is situated right in the center of the city. It has a very unique and beautiful design which can easily be viewed from outside also. The palace interior is cold all round the year because of its 900 small openings and also from which the palace got its name 'Palace of winds'. It was mostly used by the ladies of the royal families to view the events happening outdoors. Visitors were allowed into it a few years ago but entry is restricted now. 

Jantar mantar was built in the 18th century. It is basically an observatory where the huge masonry instruments were used to study the movement of constellations and stars in the sky. These instruments tell us a lot about zodiac signs, sun and moon direction and also the time. These were the methods used in the olden days.

Jalmahal is another beautiful palace which can be seen on the way to Amer fort. This small palace is set in the middle of Man Sagar lake. Four levels of this palace is built underwater and the rest can be seen above. This palace was used by the royal family during the summer. It is also said that this palace is connected to the Amer fort directly through a secret passage which was used by the Kings. Visitors are not allowed inside because of its poor maintenance and it is said that it may collapse anytime.

Amer fort or Amber palace covers a huge area and is located on a hill. One cannot miss this place while visiting Jaipur. It overlooks the Maota lake. The palace was the residence of the Rajput family. There was a subterranean passage which was an escape route to the Jaiagarh fort.

The palace is known for its artistic style elements.

Bath tub used by the royal family.

Every time I look at these pictures I want to go back to these places and I'm sure you guys would also feel the same. So please do visit and let me know your experience too. The entire trip along with tickets, stay and other extra activities costed about Rupees 5000/- per person. It can depend on the number of people you're traveling with.

Please do comment if you would like to know anything more.



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